Wednesday 23 November 2011

Conventions and trends of the chick flick genre

All genre films stick to a recognisable formula, there are many send to be rules when it come to genre's but I think they are more conventions and trends. Here are some of the conventions and trends in my chosen genre chick flick I found and know:

- They are designed to appeal to a female audience, and the characterization and storylines appeal to manly women.

- Chick flicks are typically used only in reference to films that are heavy with emotion or contain themes that are relationship based, so there is nearly always a love interest within a chick flick.

- There is nearly always one or more moments or scenes in which a main character cries, even if it is tears of happiness or sadness!

- There must be a strong female leading women or group of women in chick flicks.

- There is always happy or relaxing endings to chick flicks sometimes most unrealistic ending to the film.

- I have found in most chick flicks there is a fairy tale based story attached to the storyline, expressing fantasy or wish-fufilment.

- They tend to use upbeat happy music that is popular with the audience at the time.

- Technology is up to date in chick flicks such as blackberrys, iphones ect. This is to try and relate more to the teenage audience.

-  The fashion and designer labels in chick flicks is iconic as they are trying to set apart the difference between some characters e.g the rich to the less privileged.

-  This difference is also shown in the accessories of the wealthier characters such as there cars, bags and houses.


  1. It will be interesting to see how you follow (or challenge) these conventions and trends in your own film opening. Good research; well done.

  2. End of 2nd paragraph, should that be manly or mainly?
