Tuesday 15 November 2011

What I like about film openings that have inspired me.

Having watched a number of film openings, I've decided i would like to make the beginning of a chick flick.
These are the things I liked about my favourite chick flicks:

Mean girls

* I like the still picture shots
* I like the voiceover explaining the story
* I like the idea of someone changing schools to a different environment

Breakfast at tiffany’s

* I like the music leading into the film
* I like the establishing shot of the scene before you see the character
* I like the titles playing whilst the movie has started
* I like the reflection shot in the tiffany window
* I like the shot that filmed the character from inside the shop window almost as if she is                           trapped out
* I like how there’s no words in the first two minutes but still get the drift of the story

The notebook

* I like how the film starts with the scenery like breakfast at tiffany’s
* I like how it’s got the right music for the sad genre
* I like how it shows the character though a window again almost as if she is trapped
* I like hoe the close up really showed the venerability of the character

Love actually

* I love the shots of people meeting at the airport, it sets a tone for the film
* I like the voiceover explaining the relevance of the airport scene

Bride wars

* I like the uplifting music to start
* I like how they do close ups on things e.g bride and groom cake figures, drawings , putting a ring on all relevant thing to do with weddings and emma and liv
* I like the voiceover of one of the characters explaining the story similar to 'The Holiday'
* I like the picture shots of the explanation during parts of voiceover

Sex and the city

* I love the mix of voiceover (done by SJP the main character) with shots of what she’s talking about
* I like how SJP introduces the main characters in the voiceover
* I like that she introduces herself in voiceover

Sex and the city 2

* I the music to the intro of the film, thing it very effective
* I like the voiceover again telling and explaining the story
* I like the close ups of the scenery
* I like how they've use reflection of the sky in big new york buildings
* I like how SJP walking though double door, sets an importance of her
* I like how it goes back in time, to help you understand

Overall the aspect that stood out most to me, and that I would like to have in my film opening are the voiceover techniques used in Mean girls, Sex and the city one and two, Bride Wars and Love Actually. I also like the still picture shots that was in Mean Girls I think it helped with the understanding of the opening. 

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